The Languge of Hands

The Languge of Hands
Intentionally Build Reciprocal Multicultural Relationships - ONE FRIEND AT A TIME!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is a new day! As I moved books back in my office today, I had a sense that I am going to be here for a long time. Here being in Holland @ Faith Church. This is not your ordinary job or ordinary call. This is a prophetic journey for me but more for everyone that I meet. It's really kind of wonderful to know what you are to do each day and what you are to pray for, or how you are to pray.
This is a new day. This is a new year!! Amen again, its 2010! I will looking for ways in which this blog can create unity through risking vulnerability. Our greatest fears come from what we know nothing about. I believe that we can encourage one another with honest comments about our thoughts and about other's thoughts.
This is a space for racial reconciliation. I need you. We need each other.
This is a space to ask questions and answer questions. Ask me a question you have always wanted to know.
You must know that I believe that God loves us. I believe that as believers in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we are called to obedience. To love God is to obey him. And it is not easy especially alone. We are stronger together. As you journey with me I will share my faith story and I will share my journey as an ambassador of reconciliation. We are all ambassadors... together... I am looking for you. Are you out there?



  1. Operation Koinoia
    There are some dynamic things goin on at Faith Church. I still marvel that Ray and I are here in Holland. This past Monday students at Holland Christian High School blessed me so much. They just don't know how much. I was in a slump for awhile. We get like that in ministry. We wish every experience could be a mountanin top one but much of the time we serve like strong faithful soldiers then all out the blue when you least expect it BAMB! you get a SHOUT OUT!
    i WROTE an article for our Church newsletter: Faith In Action. This was a high point of the week, including testimonies from our new members from
    Burma. This work that i do is all about creating an open pathway of discovery for the church to dialogue about what in means to be a spiritual diverse community of reconciliation, healing and hope.
    We are moving at a steady pace, our building is beautiful with the new duds. There are new visitors every Sunday. this is really special. Some of our visitors became members at the end of last year. They chose us because of our gift of hospitality and our movement towards becoming multicultural.
    it starts with leadership. i dare to say that Faith is a little special with Hispanic, African American and Anglo. That Anglo word seems to be politically correct. i don't know. i need some help here. i like sayin' Black Folk, White Folk, hispanic folk, asian folk. i think its better to just to say where a person is from. thats the safest.
    okay i am still figuring out where this is all going. It will help when i get some comments to respond to. i have so much to tell but i don't want to ramble forever. i want to chat. so have a blessed day
    i will chat another time.
    on the journey with ya!

  2. Oh what an experience
    I feel cheated of my blackness
    I feel anger
    almost hate for the white in me
    I want to holler at my mother
    she was doing her best
    Her best
    but not my best
    what was best?
    I am angry because I can’t see the Black in me
    I can't feel the Black in me
    and to think that one time
    I took pride in not sounding Black
    now my heart bleeds to be free of this
    White façade
    all her faces
    Will the real me stand up!
    Stand up and be counted among the rest
    not set apart, labeled
    for what
    My ego is not vain
    only my pride
    but which one
    the Black or the White?
    my heart cries out to my many
    brothers and sisters
    who were forced in their ignorance
    to become somebody
    but who
    We are not White or are we?
    We look Black, we sound white
    we look
    out of Black faces through white perspectives
    Somewhere deep in our souls we find the rhythm
    We hear the drum
    We rock on the beat
    Yet something is missing
    Something that doesn't allow us to fit
    Black or white
    so who the hell are we?
    help us… we hurt
